Monday, April 25, 2022

Bye Bye, Birdie!

 Every morning, I do a salutation to the four compass points.

When I face the East, I ask the Heart of the Universe to bathe us in its light, that we would reject our darkness.

Lately, the Universe has whispered that I should ditch the generic "we/us" and make my ask much more personal.

"Bathe ME in your light..."

And the Universe responded, "Something in your life is blocking the Light."

Twitter.  Twitter was blocking the light. 

The scales fell from my eyes, and I saw that swimming in the cesspool was not doing anything positive for anyone.  Not for any "contacts" I had on that platform.  Not for me.  Not for anyone.

So...I have ditched it.

It was surprisingly hard to make it happen...but I realized that what passes for "community" on twitter are connections that are sad, and loose, and entirely superficial.  And disposable.  

So I disposed of it.  

For now, my social media "connections" will be Instagram and this blog.  

I've abandoned the idea of online community, and even of online friendships.

But I'm going to try to keep "Coming to Terms" and my Instagram feed positive, beautiful and affirming.

I'm tired of being turned inside out by wading in negativity.

Time to drag myself out of the cesspool and into the light.


  1. I got a Twitter hand;e but I've never used it. I get the occaisional "we miss you" message. How can you miss what you never had? Guess I'll check out Instagram to "A Wandering Mistrell I" or something like that.

  2. I sometimes scan Twitter, but it's become very negative indeed. I am still on Facebook, but that's not much to speak of either. J-land is still there, the faint reflection of blogging years, that is.
    You are absolutely right. Out of negativity, into positivity.
