Monday, November 13, 2023

By All Means…


Nor has a book killed 70 people at an outdoor concert.

Nor dozens…hundreds…of students in American schools. 

Nor groups of people browsing through Walmart, or a shopping mall.

Nor spectators at a July Fourth parade.

Nor any unsuspecting folks, innocently going about their lives…

…lives that are suddenly, violently snatched away.

But, yeah.

Let’s ban books.


  1. Unless you have a great pitching arm you probably can't hit or hurt anyone by "throwing the book at them." A rifle now. You can stand at the door of a classroom, the end of the grocery aisle, The sidewalk outside a busy gay bar and really rack up the body count. If you happen to be the parent of a young victim you just might be called a liar, have countless nations claim your child never even existed, demand you prove your murdered son or daughter even existed no matter if you have a birth certificate and piles of photographs. Perhaps that is the greatest sin. The bullet killed a victim. Hate tries to kill the soul of everyone connected to victims and the memories of their family and friends

    1. Sorry proof reading error. I'm not sure what I intended but nations wasn't it.

    2. I don't know that it's "hate" so much as entitlement, and fear that that entitlement might be taken away. "I am a white male, and I get to do/have anything I want. And if you even hint that I shouldn't have those things, I'll bully you into submission with every ounce of evil I can produce." smdh
