Wednesday, February 2, 2005

Pray for Clouds...

Posting pictures in journal land has been somewhat iffy lately..  I hope you can see the little guy to the left...

While we here in Oregon have, so far, not had much of a winter, I know there are several areas of the country where they are crossing their fingers that Punxatawney (?) Phil does not see that freakin' shadow.  Meanwhile, on my walks through the streets of Scappoose with dog in tow, I'm seeing plum trees, heather, winter camellias, and early crocus in bloom.  Last week, I saw an entire planter box overflowing with snowdrops (And I didn't have my camera!  Just as well.  The homeowner probably would have called Homeland Security on me if I'd tried to get a picture...) 

So for those of you in the Midwest, North, and East who are dying for spring, we have a strangle hold on it here in the Pacific Northwest, and we ain't ready to let go just yet. 



  1. Oh, cute. Ain't no groundhogs seein' no shadows down here. Too, darn much fog. Nothing as spectacular as camellias in our neck of the woods. A few crocus, the heathers blooming and I did see some bumblebees this weekend. They seem to like the heather and the neighbors cats seem to like to watch the bees. LOL


  2. From the foothills of Mt. Hood....Shhhh...Don't tell anyone, we are hoping no one notices our weather, especially whoever is in charge of weather. LOL. It is beautiful, nearly 50, blue skies today. My flowers started blooming 3 weeks ago and the bumblebees arrived two weeks ago. Most of winter has been unusual, but for the normal course of fall/winter/spring events, of watching the forest mold before my very eyes, this winter has been a treat. And since Nature likes to play catch-up quite a bit in the NW, I see a deluge of rain on the horizon to make up for the dry. But still, while it is the way it is, shhhh....don't say anything outloud, all the nice might go away. LOL. Dalene of AHH at

    I just discovered your journal, a delight to read! Have you listed in AHH's Other Journals sidebar already, will be back often.

  3. I'm really enjoying winter this year so it's ok with me.  However...once spring arrives...I'm sure I'll be delighted!!!

  4. I was in a Home Depot and the smell of hyacinths practically had me floating off the floor to get to them!  I'm so ready for spring and all that comes with it.

  5. We are having the YO-YO weather in the south; its either bitter cold or warm and it changes back and forth nearly every 24 hours.  I just wish for either or instead of both!! Kristi
