Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year, Same Old Crap

Been sick as a dog for the past fur days...a predictable end to 2017 and inauspicious lead-in to 2018.  

But I've managed to while away the time with a pretty decent Facebook back-and-forth about (who else) the Trumpster.

These started out as comments on a friend's post, when she shared and commented on a story about Hillary Clinton being polled as the Most Admired Woman in America for 16 years in a row.   Comments slamming Mrs. Clinton (surprise) devolved into arguments about the attributes of our illustrious 45th president.  I managed to bang out a pretty decent summary of my thoughts on #45. 

As Follows:

"And while I'm at it, I'll address your earlier rant about how 'lefties' hate Trump just because he's Republican.

"Trump is a con-man of the h
ighest order who threw his hat into the presidential election ring on a publicity stunt lark. I seriously believe he had no idea of the success he was going to encounter in his campaign...and his ability to whip frustrated, disillusioned and dangerously mal-informed voters--who had been fed a steady diet of naked hatred by right-wing media for 8 years of the Obama Administration--into a frenzy of anger and revolt. It was like crack cocaine to an addict...his gigantic ego couldn't get enough of it. So he allowed himself to believe that, since the people were out there cheering for him, he must be presidential material after all. But he has not the intelligence, nor the experience, nor the temperament to be sitting at the head of a table in a boardroom, much less behind the desk in the Oval Office. To cover that up, he lies, he blusters, he bullies, he obfuscates, he tweets...he has repeatedly demonstrated from day one that he has absolutely no respect for the office he holds. He has ZERO self-control and ZERO respect for anyone or anything. And his blind followers call that "not being politically correct" and think of it as a virtue! Seriously!!?!? The man holds the office of "Leader of the Free World!" And he is petrifyingly lacking in any personality trait that would fit him for that position.

"Even so, those of us who were shocked and dismayed when our fellow Americans propelled this dangerously unqualified charlatan into office were willing to concede (desperately hoped, fingers and toes crossed) that he might grow into the office, and turn out NOT to be the disaster we all knew him to be. We all held desperately to that glimmer of hope after his mostly intelligible inauguration speech...and everything predictably went to hell after that.

"Trump is a stupid, childish, dangerous egomaniac. The GOP Congress has made the unbelievably corrupt decision to support this dangerously inept man, because they can manipulate him to get what they want. I hope their big victories taste as sweet when North Korea lobs its missile at the US and the whole world goes up in flames. But, wait...I forgot. It will be Obama's fault."

Please, Universe.  We've suffered an entire year under this raving idiot.  Don't make us hold out much longer...   

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