Monday, July 13, 2020

Ten Things About COVID-19: Number Three

3.) Viral Politics
In February, world stock markets started tanking as the effects of COVID-19 on global production and consumption began to become evident.  Donald Trump panicked.  He saw his reelection campaign—based upon his arrogant (and erroneous) claims that he alone had blessed America with the most prosperous economy on earth—dragged down precipitously with the dive of the Dow Jones. 

So he did the first thing that came to his mind.  The first thing that always comes to his mind; his knee-jerk reaction to anything he sees as a threat to his personal bubble of dominance and celebrity.

He lied.

He obfuscated.   He downplayed.  He scoffed. 

And as it became apparent that all those things were not going to stop COVID from taking hold in the US, he ramped up the blame.  It’s the Democrats’ fault.  It’s China’s fault.  It’s the WHO’s fault.  It’s the doctors’ fault.  Along with, “I take no responsibility at all.”

THIS is how a pandemic becomes political.  Put an ignorant, pompous, self-aggrandizing, pandering con man cult leader in charge of one of the premier nations of the world.  And when he’s faced with something he perceives as a threat to his power and position, and he can’t lie or blame his way around it, he creates utter chaos.  All in an effort to save his own ass.  Because that is all he cares about.

That’s how we end up with citizens spitting on each other at supermarkets, screaming about their “rights” when asked to mask up; promoting the idea that old people should be willing to die in order to “save the economy;”  studiously aping the man in the highest office in the land, the guy who shamelessly lies, bullies, obfuscates and points fingers in order to make things go his way. 

We could never have hoped that the dyed orange leopard in the White House would change his spots, get serious and LEAD the nation through this quagmire.  Or understand that he didn’t have the necessary knowledge or experience to do so, and yield the floor to experts who did.  We know that would be far too opposite of his nature to even consider.

But could we not have hoped that he would just do…nothing?

If you can’t fix it, ignore it.  It will go away.

All he really had to do was SHUT THE FUCK UP.  Then we might at least not have made a deadly disease an internal war.  An “Us vs Them” situation.  We might not be throwing “COVID parties” and ripping masks off our neighbors’ faces and hiding in our homes because our fellow citizens think it’s their patriotic duty to laugh off a pandemic and act as if it isn’t happening.

But no. 

He started out lying and agitating and bullying.  And he’s going to go right on with that strategy.  Every day.  Several times a day.

To what end?  We don’t really know.  The only thing we know for sure is, it won’t be pretty.

Maybe the virus has been over-hyped.  Maybe we won’t be overwhelmed with death and long-lasting health and economic effects that will cripple the country.

But the politicization of COVID19, if not the virus itself, has done lingering, devastating damage to the spirit, the soul, of the United States of America.

Because a vain, ignorant cult-leader “president” couldn’t leave it alone.

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