Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Presidential Images

 It is an enduring source of shame 

for the United States of America, 

that this man was elected President 


...and this man almost did not defeat him in 2020.

What is wrong with us????


  1. I'm convinced that most of the folks nattering about Afghanistan couldn't find it on a map with a compss, GPS and a guide dog. Those two oceans on our coasts have been a blessing and a curse. A curse because we haven't been forced to figure out how to get along with anyone. Including ourselves. My, I am cranky tonight

    1. Honestly, I'm not sure I could find it on a map, but I am aware of some of its history, and how it has played into the history of other countries. Our physical isolation from the rest of the world has served to limit our vision to our own first world problems, and believe that the people who "count" in the rest of the world are(or should be) just like us.
