Saturday, October 9, 2021

More than Seventeen, Less than Twenty


For the NTH year in a row, I've completely spaced my blogoversary.  

On September 25, 2003, I sat at the keyboard and clacked out my very first post to the "new" AOL hometown construct-- "journal land."

 Infant, yea, almost embryonic social media.

And, you know what?

It was SO much more...SOMETHING...back in that fleeting moment of technological childhood.

But...I stick around.  

Because this little blog has remained the least sullied corner of social media that I can find. 

So, when I get sick of wading through the manure on Twitter (and I wouldn't go back to Facebook if you paid me big money), I come here and...splatter something.

Happy Birthday, Coming to Terms.

I still love ya.   


  1. Well done for 18 years of blogging, Lisa. It's not the anniversary that counts, it's the sentiments behind your blogging. I hardly use Twitter but overuse Facebook - up to a point. Keep clacking away at that keyboard, here's to the next year.

  2. Happy Anniversary. You got me in and I'm still around, with a few breaks. But AOL Journals felt more like a family. Or at least as if someone was interested.

    1. Everybody’s “too busy” to be interested, I guess. But, these days, one has to wonder...too busy doing what? I’ve been kind of neglecting “Coming to Terms” lately. Guess I’ll have to see what I can do about that.
