Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Deliver Us From Evil?


Recent worldwide events have convinced me that evil is not an outside force with which man is constantly tempted by some dark, destructive spirit.  Man is not engaged in an endless, holy battle to keep his soul pristine from the poison of evil invading from without. Does one ever encounter evil in earthly environs where human beings have not encroached?  No. Evil originates in the very hearts of humans, and needs only the slightest provocation to leap out of the depths of our mortal souls and torture the earth.  The true battle in which humans engage is the struggle to contain the inborn core of darkness we possess, to keep it from growing, escaping and overwhelming the earth and everything on it.  

We have lately all but given up that battle.  As the human race has been wont to do at regular intervals throughout history.

While religion (a human construct) begs “god” to deliver mankind from the festering wound of malevolence that is seeded deep in the core of every human heart.

Deliver us from evil?  We beg to be saved from…ourselves.

Because we’re too…lazy?  Too weak?  Too deluded?  Too ignorant?


…to own what we are, take responsibility and use the great brains given us by the Creator of All Things to block our proclivity for evil.  To recognize that there are other creatures to whom this world has been given as well.  We have been given the ability to see them, love them and protect them.  To save the earth and everything on it from…us.  

Yet we, more often than not, choose…

Not to. Aggressively.  Enthusiastically.

We exponentially compound the evil that emanates from us by choosing NOT to protect the rest of creation from it, though we know we can.  We are not powerless in the face of evil.  We have power we almost unanimously choose not to use.

It’s looking more and more like we will be the death of ourselves, and of more of the inhabitants of our beautiful planet, than we have any right to be.

And soon.         

1 comment:

  1. Great entry as usual. Beyond Gepgraphy: the western world against the wilderness is an interesting read. From the semi desert nomads and anceint greek attitude of either fearing the wilderness or believing man stands outside the rest of creation it set the stage for what we are seeing now. There are copies on the internet archive. The copy with the map on the front can be borrowed for two weeks.
