Wednesday, May 25, 2022





 What's the story, social media?

Did the 4th graders not comply?

Did they bully the disaffected teenaged shooter?

Did 19 children die because there was no "good guy with a gun" in the school to shoot back?

Is the "right" to purchase multiple semi-auto weapons upon achieving the mature age of 18 a "mental health problem?" 

Though I was rattled to read of yet another mass shooting when I visited my news sites yesterday afternoon...shocked, dismayed, horrified...

I find myself relieved that I'm not really doing social media anymore.

Because I REALLY don't want to know how the gun lobby, the ammo-sexuals, the Russian bots and the crazy QAnon-ers are spinning this one.

But I guess I already DO know.  Because their arguments never change.

Loud.  Stupid.  MY rights. MY freedom.  Mine, mine, mine, mine, MINE!!!

Does ANYBODY still wonder where evil comes from?


  1. Take a definition of freedom as you have to accept my rights and I will respect your rights when or if I feel like it.. Cross it with advertising basically based on fear of the loss of some comforts (generators powerful enough to run here whole herkin' house) Along with I'm not good looking enough, etc. Add in fear of everything and everybody who doesn't look or sound like you. In this case add in a police force that honestly sounds like they have absolutely no training. Stir well and wait. Duck when the shit storm

  2. Add media whores like Alex Jones who profit off stoking the bonfires.
