Friday, August 23, 2024

Make Us Proud

Word on the street is that it is now "cool" again for liberals to be patriotic.


Sorry, guys...

I don't think so.

Not even addressing the fact that I find the concept of "patriotism" on a par with organized religion as far as being a tool for the few to control the many through tribalism, exclusion, fear and violence...

Maybe the first step in the direction of patriotism should be making me "proud to be an American"...another concept of which I have not been a fan, nor to which I have subscribed, for many years.

And while I'm excited about the Harris candidacy, and what it might possibly mean for the slim hope of extending the life of our fragile, ailing democratic republic...

I don't see it making significant inroads into ending Trump, MAGA, and all they represent.

As long as a major party of this nation can cling to a monster like Trump as its standard-bearer; as long as a significant portion of our populace--including members of our highest levels of government--will worship and emulate him and all he represents...

I won't even be tempted to claim to be proud of America.

Fix it. End them.  Flush them into the black sewers of history where they belong.

Then, maybe we can talk about pride. 

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