Monday, May 2, 2005


To anyone and everyone out there in journal land:  After you read this, please inform everyone you know who uses AOL as their ISP--

This morning, I received this email from some guy identifying himself as AOL Security:



Dear AOL member,

               Hello, my name is Steve Baldger, on behalf of the AOL Security Department. We regret to inform you that there was detection of online abuse activity.  To safeguard your account from possible termination please visit our website at

When I copied and pasted the link into my browser, it took me to what looked like an official AOL screen, requesting ALL my credit card information, including the "secret code" on the back.  I was suspicious from the very beginning, because the email did not come with the official AOL blue envelope icon.  I tried replying to the email, and the message popped up that the sender was "not a known AOL screen name."  That really freaked me out.

But the screen looked SO official, I very nearly complied with the request for my info.  Instead, I went on "live billing chat" with some nice person named Wayne, who assured me that this message was NOT generated by AOL, and that I should forward it to the TOS department.

If you have received or do receive a similar email, DO NOT give out your information.  Forward it to  

This is very scary.  It chills me to the very core to think I could have fallen for this, and then God knows what would have happened. 


  1. Thanks for the heads up.


  2. Thank goodness you had the sense to check things out Lisa.  I've been reading a lot about various scams lately and I find the whole thing very worrying.

    Annie :-)

  3. I've had a similar experience telling me that my screen name had appreared blah blah blah...I sort of freaked out, but then I realized it was a sales pitch.

  4. I had that email last week.

  5. Thanks for the warning.

    I had an email once that looked like it was from Hallmark but when I followed the link it asked me to sign in with my screenname and password. I received e-cards from them before and it never asked that so I went to the Hallmark website directly and sure enough it didn't ask. So I reported it to someone or thing at AOL.

    The other day I stumbled on something that tells you the most recent AOL scams and it was listed. I can't for the life of me remember where it is though.

    :-) ---Robbie

  6. Wow.  This is very scary.  I've heard similar scams and it makes me frightened to trust anyone.  I'll never give my information over to someone who comes to me and asks for it.

  7. I keep getting "official" statements from Paypal requesting my credit card number and checking account information.

  8. i got one claiming to be billing department of aol.itsaid were sorry to inform you but there has been a major meltdown on our computers in the billing department. in order to keep your account open we will need your credit card info again. i knew it was a scam just because im a new aol customer who is on the 6 month free trial only in my second glad you didn't fall for it!!i got an instant message yesterday saying i had violated some rules and i had one minute to give them my password or some of my features would be permanately disabled it looked official, im glad my children werent on they would have fallen for sure to tell your kids about these things too.
