Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Don't Go There

I started out with the intention of posting this on Facebook.  And then I thought better of it.  Though I don't get a lot of attention there, either, there is the theoretical possibility that people who don't need to see this aspect of me will see the post.  And I don't think that would be good.

Got to thinking about myself this afternoon. Who am I, who/what do I love...who loves me? I know, that seems like an awfully inward place to set up camp...but it forced me to look at things I don't normally look at or see.

Primarily...I see that I must suck at relationships. The people in my life...which consist of people who pretty much have to be there--my sisters, my husband... I don't think I invest enough emotional energy in them to make them understand their value to me.   So maybe I reap what I sow.
But, more than that, I see that I don't ask THEM to invest emotional energy in ME. I don't ask for strokes or praise or attaboys. I spend all my energy just trying not to drive people away...(which I seem to have a talent for.)  I don't want anything more out of the people in my life than for them NOT to make me go away, or NOT to walk away from me and leave me alone. I don't know...that's a pretty low bar, isn't it? Perhaps if that's all I ask, that's all anybody will ever believe I'm worth.
A million years ago, when we were young and still very much "in love," my significant other said, "I love you!" ...and I asked "Why?"
And he couldn't give me an answer. 
It bothered me then.
It bothers me even more now.
I don't know.  Maybe if he'd answered the question 40 years ago, I could try to go back to doing whatever it was I did to make him fall in love with me.  Maybe he is reaping what he sowed.  
Maybe we both are.
I don't want to fight with anyone anymore.  I went through that with my sisters AND my husband...serious shit that almost ended us.  But we held on, and emerged... this place.  Of peace and tolerance.

It's nice.  It's safe.  It's quiet.
But it's singularly unsatisfying.  It doesn't meet my deepest need, that I try not to think about.  
I really need someone to tell me I'm good.  At something.  At anything.  Or at nothing.  Just...good.  Worthy.  A positive presence, rather than the invisible one I am trying (and failing) to be.
Hanging by a thread.      

I know this post is self-pitying drivel inspired by stress...  But I also know that, so far, seven people have read it...and haven't even bothered to ask if I'm ok.  And that feels...weird. 



  1. I could say you are worth something because you are you and, as far as we know, there is only one of you. The universe would be a little poorer if you were not in it. Actually I think the universe would be a lot poorer if you were not in it. Some of us are born comfortable in our skins. At least I assume some of us are. I wouldn't know. I seem to have been born with a permanent case of "what in the heck is going on?" And why is there this itch in the brain that I can't scratch. Message me. I may not have answers but I can listen.

    So how is Eugene working out? Is the princess settling into her new digs?

  2. I immediately thought, "where is that tough, smart, humorous woman I know and admire?" But then I remembered that we all have insecurities, needs, wants and times we are barely hanging on. Stop trying to be invisible and be who you are; smart, feisty, outspoken and champion for everyone. You may not see the value, or the worth in the very few you-isms I've pointed out, but I do. And I suspect others do as well.

  3. Found you back here on Blogger. It's good to subject oneself to introspection every once in a while, to question what we're about. But not for long, as I know to my own cost. Hope you're happy now, and will keep in touch on here.
