Thursday, July 4, 2019

Let Freedom Ring?

Let freedom ring?

Oh, we LOVE our freedom in the USA.

Freedom to hate.

Freedom to bully.

Freedom to amass and hoard more riches than anyone could ever need, and to keep those resources firmly out of the hands of people who are desperate for them.

Freedom to spread lies painted as “news.”  Freedom to label actual news as lies.  Freedom to prey on the uneducated, the ignorant, the gullible,  and the just plain stupid.

Freedom to spit  “I got mine.  Go get your own!” into the faces of our neighbors in need.

We want all the freedom we can gather for ourselves, and if I get mine by taking some of yours away, that’s just the law of the jungle.

We want freedom, but we don’t want any of the responsibility that comes with it.

We want freedom, but we don’t want to exercise it with compassion.

We want freedom, but we want to ignore the history, the education and the sacrifices of those who wrote those freedoms into our system of government.  At a very different time, in a very different world.

THIS….this brand of freedom that we stockpile and glorify in 21st-century America….

This freedom will be the end of us.

If it hasn't been already.


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