Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Hands Off The American Flag, Traitors

Dear Far Right Wing Q-Nuts and Trumpanzees:

If you can't love this country with all its boogers and warts and people who don't believe exactly what YOU believe; and don't behave exactly as YOU behave; or have skin that isn't exactly the same color as YOURS; or speak exactly the same language YOU speak...

Then you don't get to claim THIS FLAG as your own.


Because this flag represents, in the words you like to throw into everyone's faces,


with liberty and justice for all."

And you don't believe one word, for all that you think every person in the country should slap hand over heart and recite them every day, hot tears of patriotism trickling down their cheeks.

(Much as you don't believe one word of any prayer you recite by rote to your version of God, but that's another rant...)

So get your hands off the flag of the UNITED States of America.

You can have this one--the flag of losers, racists and bullies...


Or this one, which many of you seem to prefer these days, as if an enemy perceived by those who don't share your political ideology must be a friend of yours... 

You traitorous bastards do NOT love the nation the Stars and Stripes represent.  

Wave your TRUE flags. And go to hell right along with them.  

1 comment:

  1. Girl Scouts I don't remember what year, we learned how to fold a flag, how the flag was to be displayed and how to dispose of worn out flags, burial or burning. That if you have a personal flag it should be taken down at sunset or have a light shining on it. We didn't cover hanging them from overpasses or leaving them lying in the street. Lying in the street. And then tell the rest of us how they respect the flag.
