Tuesday, February 21, 2023

We Get the Leaders We Deserve?

Isn’t it almost impossible to believe that the same nation which elected Jimmy Carter to its highest office also bestowed that honor upon Donald Trump?  Not surprisingly, it seems the Carter presidency was the aberration, much as some of us would like to hope Trump’s was the step outside the norms of America’s political reality. We never deserved Jimmy Carter.  But Trump?  That’s another story.

And the fact that a good, decent, upright man like James Earl Carter is judged by our history as having been an abject failure as POTUS, really tells you all you need to know about the United States of America.  Doesn’t it?  


  1. I'm not sure anyone could have really succeeded in the wake of the Nixon and Watergate plus the oil embargo.We thought we were electing a politician. The 700 club thought they were supporting their brand of Christian. Yes Virginia I did catch that episode. Imagine their surprise when we elected a real one. A man who put solar panels on the roof, advised his fellow citizens to turn down their thermostats and put on an extra sweater. Carter shut off the weapons pipeline to El Salavdor in 1980. Saint Ronnie opened it up '81. We're still living with the fallout from that decade down on our southern border. Now? The inmates seem to be trying to run the asylum.

  2. My comment will be: look at people through the eyes of their time. Carter was the president the US elected and deserved in 1977. So was Trump, between 2017 and 2021. It is a reflection on the nation.
    I hope Mr Carter can be made comfortable for the time that remains to him.
