Wednesday, February 11, 2004

A Chain Email I Actually LIKED

Today is International Very Good Looking Damn Smart People Day, so please send this message to someone you think fits this description.

Please do not send it back to me as I have already received it over fifty thousand times and my inbox is jammed full!


  1. I hate them. I don't care what they say........I HATE THEM. LOL! : )

  2. There are so few of those fwd:fwd:fwd: emails that are even worth opening. But this one is a riot!

  3. I think I have one leaving next door and I refuse to acknowledge it by sending this!!! Just how do they do it? Okay maybe the grass is greener... Thanks for visiting my journal and leaving your comments! Come by anytime. Kristi

  4. The one "chain" I'd like to be in, and I miss it. Dang it!

  5. Too funny! And I have never seen it before--a miracle!!!

  6. Well, I've never seen that one before! It would be perfect if it didn't say "send it on", lol. Which, I'd have never sent it on.

    But, I agree that it's a funny one. :-)
