Tuesday, October 5, 2004

All Gone...

I am so sad this morning, I can hardly get out of bed. Earlier this year, we had new neighbors move into the home that borders the side/back of our property. (Our house is situated on our weird lot in such a way that we really have no "next door" neighbors…except dead ones in the cemetery.) The original owners of that house had planted a windbreak of poplar trees along their entire back fence. Poplars are fast-growing trees…while they couldn’t have been more than eight or ten years old, they were easily thirty feet tall. In this "new construction" neighborhood, they were a welcome tall, green presence. They were always full of birdsong and chattering. A whole community bustling with life. The trees were only a few feet from my upstairs bedroom window. I could gaze out my window and pretend I lived in a treehouse.

Yesterday, Mr. Neighbor and his dad cut down the whole lot of those trees. Every single last leaf and twig. Every scream of the chainsaw, every crash of great trunk hitting the ground, was like a knife in my soul. Husband came home from work yesterday afternoon to find me staring out my bedroom window in horror, my hands pressed to my mouth. He walked in the room and I turned into his arms and just sobbed.

This morning, I feel the heaviness of death in my heart. I’m sure a lot of people would think me certifiable for getting this upset about the demise of a bunch of trees. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. I wonder how long it will be before I will be able to look outside my back windows without welling up with sorrow, anger, and frustration. Today, I just HATE neighbors!


  1. I don't think you are crazy :( I mourn trees too, and poplars happen to be my favorite.

  2. You have every reason to mourn the loss of those trees. Don't think twice about it.  What kind of jerk does something like that?

  3. I don't understand people sometimes.  Maybe they had a good reason but try as I might, I can't come up with one.  I think I will plant some trees this fall, who knows if the farm behind us will sell one day and they will clear the trees there.  I'm so sorry they did that.  Sieblonde

  4. I'm on your side.....what a waste.  I planted a wind break a few years ago (various pines).  They are beautiful, especially in winter when thier soft green and blue boughs are weighted with snow.

    If I was you I would plant my own...as close as you can get (and still be on your property) to where those were.  Screw him!  He didn't ask you if he could cut them down...you don't have to get permission to put them up.

    Take care....

  5. I would be crying right along with you. All of my neighbors find their trees annoying and cut them down. I have an evergreen in the front that would rival the tree put up at Christmas in Rockefeller Center. All I hear is cut it down or it will hit the house some day and I say, NO WAY! The tree is the reason I bought the darn house years ago. I have others in the back that are also considered too high. I have an oak that is gigantic. I LOVE MY TREES.

  6. I am so sorry!  I know how you are feeling. Trees have a way of becoming a friend.  I guess they must have had their reasons.  Taking down healthy trees should be a crime.

  7. I would be devastated, too.  I wonder what on earth they are planning.

  8. Oh...this is so sad!  I feel your pain on this one.  In Georgia, they tear down the trees first and ask questions later.  It's truly a crime.  Hope you're feeling better.  {{{HUGS}}} Karen

  9. Oh Lisa....I could tell where this was going before I got to the horrible news.  Certifiable because you are broken hearted??  No way!  The people who would do such a thing are the ones to question.  I can't think of any possible reason to do this.  I completely understand your horror.  I'm so sorry.
    {{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUG}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  10. Oh this is so sad.  I know how you feel.  Sheesh.  My neighbor doesn't really talk to me anymore because he wanted me to chop down the tree between our properties (but on my side) and I won't.  He gave me a hard time about it and now he doesn't talk to me anymore (he cut down every tree on his property).


  11. Oh I understand!  How could they?  :shakin' my head in disgust: Awful, awful, and so sad.  Lisa

  12. I already told you how I feel about something like this. But, as I read this, I had a thought. Plant a row of trees along the fence on your side where Mr. Idiot cut his down. Hmpf! :-) ---Robbie

  13. I'm so sorry, Lisa.  This is very sad.  I love trees very much and would feel as devastated if this happened outside my window.  I'm hoping at some point you'll find out the reason this was done though I doubt it will make things much better.  I agree with a lot of the other comments; time to plant some fast growing trees if possible.

  14. You are NOT crazy my friend!. When I lived in a 2 story house I too would look out the bedroom window and imagine I lived way out in the country amidst Mother Nature in all her glory.  We need to have Mother Nature wrap her arms around us with the brances of  beautiful trees and folliage.  Concreate and pavement just are not the same.
    This reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw. Fight Pollon, Pave the Prairie!  LOL NOT!!!!!!!

  15. Why on earth would they do such a horrible thing?  I can see getting rid of a tree or two if they are choking each other out or dying, but all of them?  Why?  Trees are so good for the environment, they create oxygen and reverse pollution, they create shade and privacy and are natural air conditioners.  I love that our neighborhood is full of old trees, it is why we chose an old house instead of a newer one, so that we could be surrounded by big trees.

  16. I'm with krobbie!  Plant on your side.  If ficus trees grow well in your climate  - they grow HUGELY fast in Los Angeles, are green and lush and a variety to choose along with poplar - though poplar are gorgeous.  And with every sapling you plant, put that resentment for the neighbors into the ground.  Let it grow with the tree and not you.  

  17. Awww... I'm sorry.  I don't think there's anything wrong with being sad about it, when you've grown accustomed to seeing those trees for so long!  I wonder why they cut them down?  So sorry. :-(

  18. Lisa....as a tree lover who was raised by a hippie chick I sooooooooo understand this kind of pain.  The bestest vacation I remember ever being on was when CB and I drove thru the Redwood forest.  Those trees are older than me and will outlive me.

    I know that your grief is real.  I know that trees cry.

  19. What was their point?  Just last week our neighbor chopped down a tree claiming it was falling apart, and lo and behold the very next day rose bushes and a trellis was placed.  I hate it. Cant have those trees blocking the sun light.

  20. I'm sorry they took the trees away. I know how you feel and I sympathize. Paula

  21. Stop your pitty party and go buy some plant material or move! When u hate with that much drama you give them or it your positive energy!Visit home depot and plant plant plant!!!!!!!!!

  22. Lisa, I am SO SORRY to read this.  I know exactly how you feel and no, you are not crazy.  Those who would destroy beautiful, flourishing trees are the crazy ones, my friend.  It breaks my heart every time I see another old-growth beauty go down ~ generally to widen a road, or make room for someone's garage expansion.  Another Humvee, anyone?

    I'm proud to be a 'tree hugger'.  Sometimes people just suck.
