Thursday, March 9, 2006

In Like a Lion...

This season has truly been a "Winter of the Soul" for me.  And it just doesn't want to go away. 

Eleven days until the vernal equinox.

Winter is getting in its parting shots...


  1. Great shots. I didn't have time to get a shot of the snow on the miniature red tulips this morning, but they were pretty. Cold, but pretty. Yeah, Spring. I'll have to read up in my Hedge Witch book to see what to do on the Equinox. I'm so freaking disgusted with white bread main line anything right now, I'm about to lose my apple cinnamon stryofoam. excuse me rice cake. LOL


  2. Jeez.....those flowers look lovely, even covered in ice and snow.

  3. I wrote a grass is always greener in the other yard entry on Friday, which disappeared when my connection was "unexpectedly lost."  In southern Arizona it  has scarcely been below 60 this winter and I was sick to death of never being able to wear a turtleneck without getting too hot by afternoon.  It will be over 100 soon enough and I desperately yearned for a cold snap.  Plus we were over 100 days without rain and are in a serious drought.  Then two things happened.  First, I thought, 'stop whining and get gardening. If she has flowers in her weather, you ought to stop complaining and fill those barren pots.'  So I went on a Johnny-Jump-Ups excursion, inspired by you.  But then, wonder of wonders, a miracle!  I really think it was your entry, not La Nina.  Rain all day Saturday, COLD air on my face, and snow up on the mountains.  Thanks, Lisa!!
