Monday, February 22, 2021

Turnabout is NOT Fair Play


There’s no question that Twitter is a much less objectionable place now that Cheeto Jesus and many of his lying cohorts have been forever banned from its platform.

That said, it continues to be the first place one would go to witness glaring examples of why this country is where it is today.  And why we’re not likely to speedily recover from the crippling malady whose death grip we’re struggling to loosen.  Or not.

All over the internet, “blue-wavers” are pushing the “turnabout is fair play” directive for our narrowly Democrat-controlled government.  What they seem to have learned from four years of bottomless dive into the depths of leadership depravity is, “They did it to US, now we get to do it to THEM.”  Forty-eight months of passionately crying out about the hypocrisy, immorality, greed and dishonesty of Trump and his GOP buttsuckers and the takeaway is “Oh boy!  It’s our turn to make THEM suffer!”…?

These blue turds have raised their ugly heads and started yapping their perverted payback logic most recently in reaction to the weather disaster that hit Texas last week.  Apparently, because we don’t like Texas’ politics, we’re perfectly justified in denying Texans federal aid while they’re sitting in the dark freezing, with no running water.  Let Texas take care of its own people!  Texas has billions squirreled away in various nefarious pockets!

Let me be first to say I don’t approve of Texas leadership, politics, or economic theory.  The “theory” is all couched in free market and low tax and small government lingo.  The FACT is that Texas has had a longstanding dedication to making the rich richer and keeping the not-rich joyfully tossing the few pesos they have to rub together into the coffers of the rich, because “freedom.”  Texas has designed its infrastructure and government as a colossal upside-down funnel through which the rich suck up billions, which they then channel offshore to places where the money can compound without the burden of taxes, or of providing any guarantees of service, safety or livelihood to the peons they are bleeding dry. 

And that’s not even touching upon the not-so-tacit racism that boils deep in the heart of Texas.

Be that as it may, Texas is STILL one of the United States of America; in fact, the second-most populous state therein.  AMERICANS live in Texas.  Americans who are freezing, sitting in the dark  and have no running water.  In the middle of a pandemic.  While their political leaders head to Cancun to get away from the horrible conditions. 

And there are asshats with little blue waves in their twitter handles arguing that we should abandon those Americans because their politics don’t line up with “ours”.

I don’t know about anyone else, but to ME, that sounds way too much like the crap that Cheeto Jesus and his buttsuckers spouted during the four years THEY viewed federal coffers as their own personal pot of gold from which they meted out coins only to those who “liked” or “were nice” to them.  We screamed bloody murder about that, then.  As well we should have. 

As well we should NOW about those who would have us act in EXACTLY the way our “enemies” did, now that WE hold the purse strings.

Four years of impotent rage against Cheeto and his minions didn’t teach us NOT to be assholes. In fact, we’ve tucked the GOP’s dirty tricks into our own toolbag, and want to pull them out and use them against the “enemy”—the people whose politics are opposite of our own—because we CAN.

Now that we have the ability to point a loaded gun at the opposition, we don’t know enough to drop it in horror.  No.  It suddenly becomes allowable, even righteous, to pull the trigger. 

Because WE are the GOOD guys.

Maybe…not so much.    


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