Monday, October 10, 2022



2.) I'm going to make an admission here that will have people questioning my card-carrying liberal politics.

I'm sorry, but the whole gender-identity, proper pronoun issue is just...ridiculously over-the-top.  I can't endorse it.

Don't get me wrong.  I don't care who anybody chooses to love, sleep with, have kinky sex with or raise a family with.  It is none of my damn business.  It is none of ANYBODY'S damn business besides the consenting adults involved.

So why do I have to know or care enough about your personal sexual orientation or gender identity to choose the proper pronoun by which you prefer to be referred (when I'm talking to someone else ABOUT you, since I won't use any pronoun besides "you" when I'm talking TO you, will I?)

American pop culture has become SO about sex--sex, sex and more sex.  All sex, all the time.  So I actually GET why gender identity would be carried out to the ridiculous nth degree.  I mean, if everything has to be about sex, then I must have to carefully consider and infinitesimally define my exact place in the culture.  And shout it from the rooftops.  And insist that the entire world acknowledge and approve it.  


Do we really need the approval of the entire world to be who we are?

Doesn't that assign a level of control over my ultimate happiness...over my acceptance of myself... to the world at large, that I should not want to concede?

I'm sorry.  I'm more of the opinion that we should all suck it up, be who we are, let others "accept" or not, because they're going to anyway...

...and not let what anybody else thinks or believes about my personal, private behaviors have that kind of power over me.

Why was "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" such a terrible thing?  I don't want to ask you about your sexual orientation.  I shouldn't have to.  It's none of my business.  It has absolutely no bearing on how I interact with you.   And I really don't need you to tell me, either.  I mean, you can tell me if you want.  It's not going to offend me.  But you shouldn't feel like you have to tell me, for whatever reason.  That information is private.  It's between you and whomever you choose to have a relationship with.  Guard it.  Cherish it.  Keep it sacred.

Don't allow the world to force you to exploit it.        


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