Friday, November 8, 2019


I have a large group of crows that has been my constant companions here in the "new" house, from before we even moved in.  There's a tall, half-dead tree across the street (which might be a problem, actually, in a big wind.)  Whenever we would pull up to the new house with a load of stuff, the crows would perch in the tree and holler.  I began to wonder if the previous owner was a special favorite of theirs, and they were upset that we had driven that person out and were taking over.

I've since made friends with the crows, I think...  Either way, I throw peanuts and other crow-morsels out in the yard every morning, and they are more than happy to swoop down and police the yard for the goodies.

THIS crow, however, was one I met at the beach.  And he seemed inclined to hang around for a photo shoot, so I obliged

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