Monday, November 4, 2019

One of the Best Days

I was away from home for a few days, so a couple days of "Photo November" are going to have to go by without photos.

The pic I'm posting today was taken on one of the best days of my afternoon spent with a flock of snow geese (and other guest stars--sandhill cranes and mallards) who were gleaning the stubble of a cornfield on Sauvie Island in late winter. 

It was such an awesome time!  I sat in my "blind" (my late, intrepid Kia van) for over two hours watching, shooting pictures, and just BEING with this amazing, cacophonous assemblage of water fowl.  The flock was so close I could almost reach out and touch them.

Now, whenever I feel I'm about to be overwhelmed by the depression and/or anxiety that are my constant companions on my life journey, I call up images of this wonderful afternoon.  And it immediately keeps the doldrums at bay, and lifts the corners of my mouth in a secret, satisfied smile. 

1 comment:

  1. What a fantastic shot. ON the Internet Archive Library there is a book titled Song of the North Wind. Stories of the snow geese from their northern hatching grounds to there southern grounds in I believe Minnesota. Almost poetic in places.
