Tuesday, November 19, 2019

The Oldies ARE the Goodies

After posting yesterday's photo, and naming it as one of my all-time favorites, I got to thinking about my OTHER all-time favorites.  Many of them are literally years old, and taken with equipment that is technically inferior to what I own now.  Not to mention that a couple of them were shot before I even really new how to operate the old equipment.  My excitement over the fact that, even in my ignorance of what my camera could actually DO, I was able to come up with images so far superior to anything I had ever shot in the past, was probably what has made these images long-standing favorites in spite of their lack of technical expertise and polish.

This is one such picture.  I took this one shortly after I got my first DSLR--my Nikon D40--which I still love and use when I don't want to lug around the heavier D7200 and its monstrous telephoto lens.  We were walking on the dike, chasing this red-tail hawk from pole to pole to pole.  Every time we would get within a certain distance, he would take off and move down to the next pole.  After two or three intervals of this, I finally had my camera pointed in the right direction at the right time to get him taking off from the pole.  Is the shot in perfect focus? No.  Was the camera set for optimum lighting and motion capture? No.  But I was--and still am--geeked about this picture...from 2008.  


1 comment:

  1. Wow. Sometimes the accidents are better than the planned shots.
